We Want Your Kids To Love Church.

That’s why we’re committed to providing a safe, nurturing, and engaging environment tailored to help kids know Jesus and grow spiritually as they learn of His love and plan for their lives.      

Sundays at Community Kids 

9:00am & 10:30am


Looking to visit on Sunday morning? Complete our New Family Check In Form to add your child to our system prior to Sunday morning.

Our Google Site updated with current news & events



Checking In

We recommend arriving a few minutes early before your first time visiting to check in your child to their classroom. As you and your child approach our check-in desks, you’ll be greeted by a member of our Community Kids Check-In Team who will help you register and create a nametag for your child plus a corresponding security tag for yourself at our computerized check-in location.

Please alert check-in personnel of any information that will help in caring for your child, such as allergies and special needs. You’ll then take your child to their designated classroom. All of the Community Kids Team have been through a screening process to ensure the safety of your child. Please note that parents are not allowed in these classrooms without a corresponding security tag.

Our Community Kid’s wing doors lock by 20 minutes after service begins and remain closed until the adult worship service has been dismissed. This is for the safety and security of the children. Adults picking up their child must also be wearing their child’s corresponding security tag – please show this to the doorkeeper as you pass through on your way to pick up your child. Here is our check-in policy.


Age Groups

Our Bible-based programs are designed so each child is cared for and instructed in an age-appropriate classroom environment. From nurturing care in the nursery to intriguing stories of Bible heroes in the elementary classrooms, your child will be loved, cared for, and guided through the Word of God in a way that motivates their spiritual growth.

Your young children will begin learning about the Bible and Jesus with our curriculum geared specifically for this young age group. Our nursery rooms are equipped with age-appropriate toys that are thoroughly cleaned each week and plenty of team members to hold and comfort your baby.

In our preschool rooms, kids will learn about the Bible through activities such as stories, crafts, and singing while given the opportunity to build relationships with their friends and teachers.

Every week our elementary kids get to experience dynamic worship, games, age-appropriate lessons, and prayer time while making friends.

In addition to our morning classes, our Preteen Ministry offers opportunities for preteens to meet on Sunday evenings with the intention to create a fun, energetic environment that allows this unique age group to really grow in their faith in Christ.


Community Kids! Staff

Nursery – Preschool

Emily Gloeckner | Early Childhood Director |
    Jennifer Poueriet | Nursery Coordinator |                        Aimee Nguyen | Preschool Coordinator |
Keri Combs
| Little Seeds Preschool Coordinator |   

Kindergarten – Sixth Grades

Hannah Poore | Elementary Director |
Kaylin Hogan | Elementary Coordinator |
Sara Simmons | Elementary Coordinator |

Resources for Parents

It is the policy of the Community Church of Columbus to provide a safe environment for both children and volunteers during Sunday morning Community Kids and other birth thru 6th grade activities. This is accomplished by following the principles set forth in this document and the procedures, training and guidelines and processes in the Community Kids Ministry Handbook and other Kids Ministries Supplements, (VBS, Camps, etc.). Download a copy of the Kids Community Safety Policy here.

The word volunteer below includes lay volunteers and any CCC staff serving with Community Kids. 

Potential endangerment of a child in a Sunday morning Community Kids classroom or other birth-6th grade ministry will be mitigated by meeting the following minimum staffing requirements.

  • At Least 2 volunteers must be present in each classroom at all times.
    • Volunteers must be 7th grade or older.
    • One of the volunteers in the classroom must be 18 or older.
  • A volunteer will not be alone with a child outside the sight or hearing of another volunteer at any time.

Screening and training will be an integral part of becoming a children’s ministry volunteer.

  • All volunteers must have a criminal background check (unless they are under 18) and be approved for service according to volunteer leadership criteria.
  • All Volunteers, including teens, must complete training on and/or confirm they have reviewed this policy and safety procedures prior to serving.

Bathroom assistance will be defined to ensure safety of the child.

  • Early Childcare – Only an adult female volunteer (unless specifically a male is requested and approved by child’s parent. (i.e.  a little boy wants a man to assist)) is allowed to assist a child with diapering or bathroom assistance.   This volunteer must remain in eyesight and hearing of another volunteer as they are assisting.
  • Elementary – volunteers will never be alone with a child. If assistance is needed, Community Kids Policy and Safety Procedures must be followed. 

Transferring a child between parent/guardian and a Sunday morning Community Kids volunteer will be done in a controlled manner.

This policy applies to any organization or individual where birth thru 6th grade is involved on CCC property.

  • Facility requests will not be approved until the requesting entity has reviewed and agreed to comply with the policy and supporting procedures as specified here.

Media Release Statement: On occasion, CCC takes photos/videos and uses them to highlight ministry events as part of our church services, publications, websites and social media. It is our intent to honor the wishes of families with specific media concerns and provide regular opportunities to obtain consent or opt outs related to any online media use. Please keep in mind our 10:30 AM service is live-streamed, so families with concerns may want to attend 9:00 AM service - especially when children’s elements are included in the service. Link to Parent Preference Form

Throughout the New Testament, the Bible teaches that baptism is a public expression of worship symbolizing the new life we have when we follow Jesus. In the Bible we see that Jesus’ parents dedicated Him to the Lord (Luke 2:22–40), and He was later baptized as an adult (Matthew 3:16–17). Here at CCC, we support the commitment between the parents and God on the behalf of the child and provide opportunities for Baby Dedications periodically throughout the year. At this ceremony, the parents promise to raise their child in the faith until the child is old enough to make his or her own personal confession of Christ. To schedule a baby dedication, please contact Emily Gloeckner, our Director of Early Childhood Ministry.

Baby/Child Dedication Registration

This area is specially designed for mothers with infants to enjoy the Sunday service in a private environment where you can feed, change, and care for your baby. The service is streamed live in this area just for you. This room is located in the foyer, just beyond the ministry desks.

Get free transportation on Sunday mornings to our 10:30am service by hitching a ride on the CCC Bus! Available to adults and kids living within the Columbus city limits – To schedule a ride, call Bus Coordinator Leslie Johnson at (812) 374-3090.